
Appointment Reminder Service and Phone Systems
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) provides call center products and services including message broadcast services using our secure and redundant calling centers. These services and systems are ideally suited for providing appointment reminders and notices.
Professional organizations such as doctor's offices rely heavily on appointment scheduling to keep an active and ongoing business. Appointments are often scheduled weeks or even months in advance.
Reduce Missed Appointments
Our appointment reminder phone service can help your practice by reducing missed appointments, thus increasing your revenue. With our appointment reminder phone service and systems, we can contact your patients or clients in a professional manner, reminding them of the date and time of their appointments with a personal greeting from your administrative staff.
Personalized information from your custom database (such as name, appointment date and time) can be included in your appointment reminders. In some campaigns, you may only want to leave a message if contact is with an individual. In other campaigns, different messages can be played based upon contact with an answering machine or a person and based upon the time of day.
Our appointment reminder service and system can conform to your professional business requirements.
Computer Generated Appointment Reminders
If your organization already has an appointment management system, DSC can integrate our call reminder solution with this application. This can be accomplished whether we provide a phone system or appointment reminder services at our facility.
Contact DSC to learn more about our appointment reminder service and systems.
Appointment Reminder Service - Brainfuse
"Brainfuse provides instant, unlimited access to some of the nation’s finest tutors. With Brainfuse, students and teachers communicate by drawing on a virtual blackboard, typing instant messages and even speaking through online audio." - www.brainfuse.com
Brainfuse utilizes our appointment reminder services to automatically call students and instructors to remind them about instructional appointments and classes.
Types of Appointment Reminder Campaigns
- Simple Appointment Reminder Call
- This is a basic appointment reminder call where the phone system dials from a list and plays one standard message either to an individual or to an answering machine. No one is required to talk with the contacted party who in turn simply listens to the message.
This technique could be useful when you wish to simply provide a reminder and perhaps give the call recipient sufficient information to cancel the appointment if necessary.
- Custom Appointment Reminder Calls
- This is similar to the Simple Appointment Reminder call but the phone system plays a customized message based upon the number dialed. Unique items of information can be inserted into a standard message. Likewise the entire message could be unique for each number or based upon demographic items in the call list database. The message itself could be stored in the database.
This technique could be useful when you wish to provide custom reminders with names, dates or times for each appointment included in the message.
- Appointment Reminder with Touchphone Responses
- This method expands the prior call technique by playing a message that gives the contacted individual options from which to select. Using touchphone responses such as "Press 1 for...", the choices could include obtaining additional information, leaving a voice message, cancelling an appointment, or terminating the call.
A different message can be left on an answering machine or the answering machine could be ignored completely. Although more complex than the prior call types, this form of message dialing does not require that an office employee be available to handle this call.
- Appointment Reminder with Call Transfers
- This is similar to the prior call technique but with the option to transfer the call to a third party. Again, using touchphone responses the contacted individual can request that the call be transferred to your office or another organization. The phone system dials another number and when contact is made with the third party or different phone system, the call is transferred.
This is effective when the transfer party or organization is remote such as a doctor's office.
- Computer Generated Appointment Reminders
- Automatic appointment reminders can be generated using our service center or a call reminder system from DSC. Messages can be initiated from your computer system that contain sufficient information to allow us to send your call reminders. Typically this is performed using Voice XML messaging.
This is effective process when your organization already has an appointment management system and you need to integrate it with a call reminder service or system.
DSC can provide any type of calling program required by your organization and can even blend several different types to determine what works best in your specific appointment reminder program.
Call Us Today
Contact DSC for a FREE analysis and quote and to learn more about our appointment reminder services and phone systems.