
Call Answering Services
Automatic Phone Answering using IVR Systems
Call Answering Service and Systems
Database Systems Corp. is a leading provider of computer telephony integration products and phone systems including automated call answering services. DSC offers these services using our multiple location call centers.
Automatic telephone answering services from DSC is provided using our award winning interactive voice response (IVR) software that answers phone calls without an operator. Inbound phone calls are automatically answered using our service and these calls can be routed to your service representatives.
To accomplish this, our IVR programmers can deliver comprehensive phone applications - providing you with complete answering services quickly and economically. Our experienced staff can develop a custom call answering service application that interacts with your web services as well as external databases.
DSC maintains several call centers to ensure reliable, ongoing service. DSC is the developer of its own IVR software and is uniquely positioned to manage your inbound phone service campaigns.
Contact DSC to learn more about our automated call answering services and phone systems.
"Medtronic is the world leader in medical technology providing lifelong solutions for people with chronic disease. Medtronic offers products, therapies and services that enhance or extend the lives of millions of people. Each year, 5 million patients benefit from Medtronic's technology which is used to treat conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, neurological disorders, and vascular illnesses." - www.medtronic
Medtronic selected Database Systems Corp. to provide call answering services along with our employee testing IVR scripts. Medtronic employees use our 800 phone service hosted at our call center.
Callers enter an employee identification number on the phone keypad and listen to the current week's medical process or procedure. The employee then takes a short test and answers several questions to ensure that the training and information is properly understood.
This procedure is performed automatically over the phone using touch phone key responses.
Call Answering Systems
Besides offering this comprehensive outsourcing service, DSC can provide a turnkey call answering phone system for your phone center. These modern PC based phone systems include a Windows PC with telecommunication boards from Intel / Dialogic.
When combined with our CTI (computer telephony integration) phone software, these call answering systems can perform both inbound call distribution as well as outbound predictive dialing and voice broadcasting campaigns.
Our WIZARD phone answering system is an entry level phone system that supports from 1 to 48 analog phone lines.
If your inbound call center requires more lines, our PACER call answering system can be used to process inbound calls using hundreds of digital phone lines.
Call Answering Service Features
The following are just a few of the features and options provided to our automatic call answering service clients:
- Your Own Toll Free Number
- Call Answering 24/7
- Simple To Complex Call Routing
- Unlimited Menu Options
- Outside Phone Transfer Feature
- Database and Web Access and Update
- Text To Speech Converter
- Voice Mail Recording
- Voice Message Retrieval
- Email Prompts and Notices
- Professional Voice Prompts
- Online Reporting
- Much More....
Call Us Today
Contact DSC for a FREE analysis and quote and to learn more about our call answering services and systems.