
Phone Answering Services
IVR Call Answering Technology
Automatic Phone Answering Solutions
Database Systems Corp. is a leading provider of contact center services including automated phone answering services. To provide these services, DSC manages multiple call centers that house our technology products and software.
Our call answering services are provided using our award winning IVR software and phone systems. By responding to prompts provided by our IVR system, callers can now receive any information you choose to make available. Call centers in particular can become instantly more productive by letting the phone system gather caller information, verify caller identity, and if necessary determine the best service representative to handle this request using our interactive voice response technology.
Our experienced IVR development staff can deliver comprehensive phone applications quickly and economically. This provides you with a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
From external database access to web integration including XML messaging, we can develop custom phone answering applications that fits your needs and provides useful service to your clients.
DSC provides multiple call answering centers to ensure reliable and ongoing service. As developers of our IVR software, DSC is uniquely positioned to manage your inbound phone service campaigns. This can help save your organization both time and money.
Contact DSC to learn more about our automated phone answering services and phone systems.
Public Service of New Hampshire
"Public Service of New Hampshire (PSNH) is the Granite State's largest electric utility, serving more than 475,000 homes and businesses throughout the state. Our personnel includes more than 1,200 employees who work and live in New Hampshire, contributing in many ways to the communities where they reside." - www.psnh.com
DSC provides 800 phone answering services to PSNH using their toll free number. This service provides business and residential customer information on utility plans. This phone answering service also provides the customer with the ability to speak directly with a customer service representative.
Phone Answering Software
The heart of our phone answering service is our IVR software solutions.
An IVR (Interactive Voice Response) processes inbound phone calls, plays recorded messages including information extracted from databases and the internet, and potentially routes calls to either in-house service agents or transfers the caller to an outside extension.
This phone answering software enhances our call center phone system's other robust features of predictive dialing, voice broadcasting, automatic call distribution (ACD), and digital call recording.
Phone Answering Systems
Besides offering phone answering services, DSC also can provide your organization with a complete, turnkey, phone system for your own call center. Our modern phone systems include a Windows PC with state-of-the-art telephony boards from Intel / Dialogic.
When combined with our extensive computer telephony phone software, these phone answering systems can perform both inbound call distribution as well as outbound voice broadcasting campaigns.
Our WIZARD phone answering system is an entry level phone system that supports up to 48 analog lines.
If your phone answering service center requires more lines, our PACER phone answering system can be used to answering calls using hundreds of digital phone lines.
Call Us Today
Contact DSC for a FREE analysis and quote and to learn more about our phone answering services and systems.