
Phone Blast
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) is a leading provider of call center technology including products and services that deliver large volumes of phone calls to a community or target group.
These call center phone systems with auto dialing features are commonly known as phone blast systems capable of broadcasting phone messages automatically without operator intervention. Another common term for this type of voice message broadcasting system is a voice blast system.
Our phone blast systems can deliver phone messages and service announcements to your clients and community in a timely and accurate manner. Information from your website or database can be extracted and integrated with your phone messages. These messages can be automatically submitted to our phone system and delivered using our XML Push technology.
Our computer phone system can broadcast one call or millions of calls. Pre-recorded messages can be played to either individuals and answering machines or just to individuals communicating emergency notifications, community events, upcoming appointments, or simple reminders.
Contact DSC to learn more about our blast messaging systems and outsourcing services.
Garland County Sheriff's Department
"The Garland County, Arkansas, Sheriff’s department actively promotes programs aimed at crime prevention, drug education, senior citizens safety and other related activities which encourage a positive impact on the community." - www.garlandcounty.org
DSC has provided Garland County our CARE (Call Reassurance) phone system with automatic computer phone blast capability to provide telephone reassurance services to its residents.
This program checks on the well-being of disabled persons, older adults, and individuals who live alone in the communities of Garland County and who subscribe to this service.
Phone Blasting Autodialers
DSC offers both an affordable and expandable phone blast autodialer. This solution includes a modern Windows PC with Dialogic computer telephony cards.
When combined with our extensive IVR software, these phone systems can perform both inbound call distribution as well as outbound IVR call campaigns - concurrently.
The WIZARD voice broadcasting system is our entry level call center phone system that supports up to 48 analog phone lines.
If your outbound calling center requires more lines, our PACER voice broadcast system can be used to deliver voice messages over hundreds of digital phone lines.
Call Us Today
Contact DSC for a FREE analysis and quote and to learn more about our phone blast technology and services.