
Reminder Calls
Automatically Broadcast Phone Reminders
Reminder Calls Using Automatic Dialers
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) is a pioneer in the development of automated phone systems capable of processing inbound and outbound phone calls. DSC provides call answering services and voice broadcasting services at our multiple call centers.
Employing our own voice broadcasting systems at these centers, DSC can deliver hundreds or thousands of autocall reminders to your customers and clients in just minutes! Recorded messages can be delivered to either answering machines or to individuals reminding your clients and group members of upcoming conventions, community events, doctor or dental appointments, warranty deadlines, or emergency alerts.
Different reminder messages can be played to an answering machine versus an individual. Most reminder calls are simple messages. Complex reminder call scripts can be developed using touchphone responses. Calls can be directed to operators that are standing by or can be transferred to outside third parties.
Personalized information from your custom database (such as name, appointment date and time) can be included in these reminder call messages. An individual could be given a message with selection options using our interactive touchphone response system.
Contact DSC to learn more about our call reminder service and systems.
Customer Profile - KB Home
"KB Home has been considered one of the best homebuilders in the country for nearly half of a century. Our homeowners enjoy high quality construction, unique architecture and quality, trusted brands. That's why KB Home is the builder of choice for so many satisfied homeowners." - www.kbhome.com
KB Home utilizes our voice broadcasting reminder services to contact individual home buyers who have explicitly expressed an interest in being reminded when a new KB home development is opened. KB Home records custom messages and downloads lists of prospective buyers using our outsourcing center. Our call center then contacts these prospective buyers providing them with a reminder call indicating where a new development has opened and giving them instructions on how to contact their sales organization.
Reminder Call Applications
Here are just a few applications using voice message broadcasting systems.
- Appointment Reminders
- Membership renewals
- Subscription renewals
- Customer preferences data
- Petitions and citizen polling
- Event invitations
- Special offers & incentives
- Warrantee renewals
- New service offerings
- Consumer information
- Customer Satisfaction Surveys
- Company updates
- Employee Benefit Surveys
- Market Research Surveys
- Locator Services
- Customer Service Surveys
- Literature Fulfillment
- Credit Card Processing
- Order Status
- Voice Mail Services
- Inventory Confirmation
- Account Status
- Lead Generation & Capture
- Contests and IVR Opinion Polls
- IVR Bill Payment
Call Us Today
Contact DSC for a FREE analysis and quote and to learn more about our automatic reminder calling service.