
Phone Reminder Service Using Auto Dialers
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) provides state-of-the-art call center products and services including voice broadcasting service at our secured and highly redundant call center.
Employing our voice broadcasting systems, we can deliver hundreds or thousands of phone reminders in just minutes! A recorded message can be delivered to either answering machines or to individuals reminding members of upcoming conventions, community events, doctor or dental appointments, warranty deadlines, or emergency alerts.
Different reminder messages can be played to an answering machine versus an individual. Simple to complex scripts can be developed for touchphone response. Calls can be directed to operators that are standing by or can be transferred to outside third parties.
Personalized information from your custom database (such as name, appointment date and time) can be included in these phone messages. In some campaigns, you may only want to leave a message if an answering machine is detected. In other campaigns, different messages can be played based upon contact with an answering machine or a person and based upon the time of day. An individual could be given a message with selection options using our interactive touchphone response system.
Contact DSC to learn more about our phone reminder services and systems.
Register Online For Call Reminder Service
If you wish to use our call reminder phone services, DSC is pleased to offer significant discounts when you use our Online Registration Form.
Start Calling In Just Minutes!. Using our new online signup lets you get started immediately with your calling campaign. Simply create an account and agree to our standard terms and conditions. Then download your list of phone numbers and record a message. We accept major credit cards and for as little as $25, you can begin calling. Its that simple!
Reminder Service - Los Angeles Community College
Los Angeles Community College District - "Over the past seventy-seven years we've served as educator to more than three million students. Affordable, accessible and practical, the LACCD offers opportunity to all. Our doors are wide open for a diverse student population eager for skills, knowledge and upward mobility.
LACCD educates almost three times as many Latino students and nearly four times as many African-American students as all of the University of California campuses combined. Eighty percent of LACCD students are from underserved populations." source: LACCD
LACCD uses our voice broadcasting phone reminder services to contact former students and notify them of upcoming school registration. Calls are also made to students regarding upcoming school events.
Reminder Call Applications
Reminder calls can be used in a wide variety of applications. Here is just a sample of these phone reminder applications:
Online Call Reminder Reports
An important feature of our phone reminder service and system is the ability to generate real time reports and graphs. This reporting and feedback system helps you observe and control the performance of your voice broadcasting campaign with clear and meaningful displays.
VB graphs and charts of operational statistics let you measure the effectiveness of each reminder campaign as it is running.
The statistical information contained in each of these reports can be downloaded into a spreadsheet format for individually customized reporting.
Call Us Today
Contact DSC for a FREE analysis and quote and to learn more about our call reminder service.