
Sales Support Services
Automatic Marketing Support By Phone
Sales Support Systems and Services
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) provides call center technology including automated phone services and complete, turnkey phone systems.
Sales and Marketing Support?
"Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organisational objectives.
Sales is a practical implementation of marketing; a sales team and a marketing team are often separate groups within a business structure.
Sales and marketing support are tools that assist these teams in achieving their goals."
DSC provides a comprehensive phone service that helps sales and marketing organizations provide timely and accurate information to customers, prospects, distribution outlets, and third party sales organizations.
This includes voice broadcasting phone messages to any of the above groups. Information such as sales discounts, new product offerings and discontinued items or out of warranty information can now be broadcast instantly to various target groups.
Calls can also be automatically placed to remind customers of ordered product shipments as well as delays.
Sales and Marketing Support Functions
The following are just a few of the announcement applications of voice broadcasting within a sales and marketing organization.
- New product and service announcements
- Price reductions or increases
- Opening of new offices or markets within a region
- Announcing new distributors
- Product discontinuance
- Change in service policies
- Announcing corporate or regional meetings
- Contacting managers for conferencing
- Emergency notifications and alerts
Contact DSC to learn more about our sales support and marketing phone services. For a list of other applications and services provided by DSC, please visit our Phone applications web page.
Subaru of America, Inc.
"Subaru of America, Inc., (SOA), is the exclusive United States marketer of Subaru products manufactured by Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. of Japan. Headquartered in Cherry Hill, N.J., SOA serves nearly 600 dealers nationwide." - www.subaru.com
Subaru of America, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. of Japan. Subaru utilizes Our phone message delivery services at Database Systems Corp. to update both field sales force personnel and automobile dealerships. Messages are sent containing information regarding product updates and promotional guidance.
Sales and Marketing Support Reports
An important feature of our marketing and sales support phone service is the ability to produce real time reports and graphs.
Our voice broadcast reporting system helps you observe and control the performance of your call notification program with clear and meaningful displays.
Voice broadcasting graphs and charts of operational statistics let you measure the effectiveness of each marketing phone campaign as it is running.
The statistical information contained in each of these reports can be downloaded into a spreadsheet format for individually customized reporting.
Call Us Today
Contact DSC to learn more about our sales support phone services and systems.