
Toll Free Services
Automatic Phone Answering Services
Toll Free Service and Phone Systems
Database Systems Corp. is a leading provider of computer telephony integration products and phone systems including automated business answering services. DSC offers these services using our multiple location call centers.
Automated toll free phone answering service from DSC is provided using our award winning interactive voice response (IVR) software that answers phone calls without an operator. Inbound phone calls are automatically answered using our service and these calls can be routed to your service representatives.
Toll free service is very common with businesses providing customer support or public service and government organizations that process large volumes of incoming calls. The call is not charged to the caller; instead the call is billed to the organization receiving and answering the call.
This type of calling service is also referred to as 800 phone service.
Our professional staff of IVR programmers can deliver comprehensive phone applications - providing you with complete answering services quickly and economically. Our experienced staff can develop a custom call answering service application that interacts with your web services as well as external databases.
DSC maintains several call centers to ensure reliable, ongoing service. DSC is the developer of our own IVR software and are uniquely positioned to manage your inbound phone service campaigns.
Contact DSC to learn more about our automated toll free phone services and systems.
Customer Profile - Microsoft Corporation
"At Microsoft, we work to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. This is our mission. Everything we do reflects this mission and the values that make it possible"
Microsoft Corporation contracted with Database Systems Corp. to answer it's 800 number and to automatically provide marketing information about the Microsoft X-box to prospective buyers. Microsoft published this 800 number in its print advertising for prospects to call. Our call center phone system answers the phone number and provides X-box game information to these callers.
Toll Free Phone Answering Systems
Besides offering our toll free answering services, DSC can provide your organization a complete phone answering system. These modern phone systems include a Windows PC with telecommunication boards from Intel / Dialogic.
When combined with our computer telephony integration phone software, these systems are highly capable call center phone solutions. These systems provide both call answering features as well as outbound dialing functions including voice broadcasting.
Our WIZARD toll free answering system is an entry level phone system that supports from 1 to 48 analog phone lines.
If your inbound call center requires more lines, our PACER toll free system can be used to process inbound calls using hundreds of digital phone lines.
Call Us Today
Contact DSC to learn more about our toll free phone services and call center systems.